Woman Rescued from Canal in Franeker by Bystanders

A woman drove her car into a canal in the city center of Franeker on Monday evening. The reason for the incident remains unknown.

Bystanders jumped into the water to rescue her, as reported by Omrop Fryslân. Paramedics examined the woman, who was uninjured and allowed to return home after the check-up.

A tow truck retrieved the car, with only its roof initially visible in the water. Emergency services were heavily alerted when the car entered the canal, but the fire department did not need to act, as several bystanders had immediately leapt into the cold water.

On Saturday, two tourists rescued a driver from the Keizersgracht in Amsterdam. The tourists did not wait for emergency services and swam to the sinking car, safely extracting the driver and bringing her to shore, where firefighters provided them with warm blankets.

Source: NOS
