Uncertainty in Disaster Coverage Leaves Victims Unprotected

Victims of natural disasters in the Netherlands often face uncertainty regarding insurance coverage for damages. If insurance does not cover the costs, it is unclear whether government assistance will be available, as there is no consistent policy, researchers report.

The 2021 downburst in Leersum serves as an example, causing millions in damage and leaving local authorities unable to recoup costs. Unlike water damage, wind damage wasn’t covered by the law governing disaster compensation.

By contrast, government funds were allocated for recovery after flooding in South Limburg. Researchers from Utrecht University and Erasmus University highlight the difficulty in determining when government aid is applicable.

Insurance companies are reluctant to cover storm and flood damages without government assistance. The lack of clear criteria for government compensation leads to unequal support, as seen in Leersum compared to Limburg.

To address this, researchers suggest the government should set clear guidelines or support insurers in providing coverage for natural disasters.

Source: NOS
