Ukrainian investigative agencies have launched an inquiry following media reports that suggest hundreds of soldiers from a military unit have deserted. A prominent Ukrainian journalist claims that 1,700 soldiers fled or failed to report for duty, though no evidence has been published to support these figures.
The unit involved is the 155th mechanized brigade, established last year and partially trained in France. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, at least fifty soldiers went missing during training in France.
The newspaper also notes that 1,700 soldiers were “absent without leave,” with a caveat that only 500 were missing as of November. The article cites journalist Yuriy Butusov, who first reported the story, though it is unclear if the newspaper used additional sources.
Earlier, it was revealed that the unit’s commander was suspended shortly before the soldiers were supposed to go to the front, without any reason given. The Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to Ukrainian media that a criminal investigation has been initiated, focusing on abuse of power and desertion.
“It is too early to share results,” a spokesperson told the news site Ukrinform. The brigade, also known as ‘Anne of Kyiv,’ was supposed to have over 5,000 soldiers and was to be heavily equipped with French artillery and tanks.
However, due to mismanagement, the unit has effectively been disbanded, according to Butusov, who closely follows the war against Russia. “The members of the brigade have become hostages of a PR project by Zelensky,” Butusov told The Telegraph.
The Ukrainian president announced the brigade’s formation, in close collaboration with France, during the 80th anniversary of D-Day in June last year. Desertion is a growing issue for the Ukrainian army.
According to the prosecutor’s figures, tens of thousands of investigations were initiated last year. It is unclear how many cases involved soldiers fleeing from the army or failing to return to the front on time.
Source: NOS