The UK is embroiled in a spy scandal involving Yang Tenbo, also known as Chris Yang, a Chinese national accused of infiltrating the British establishment. Yang, linked with Prince Andrew and photographed with former Prime Ministers Theresa May and David Cameron, was part of government delegations to China and attended royal events.
The court has lifted Yang’s anonymity, revealing his identity and ties with Prince Andrew. Concerns are raised about the UK’s intelligence services’ handling of the case and its impact on UK-China relations.
Yang, who moved to the UK in 2002, denies wrongdoing and claims the accusations are baseless. The issue surfaces as the UK seeks to improve relations with China, despite warnings from former Tory leader Sir Ian Duncan Smith and Foreign Secretary David Lammy about Chinese espionage threats.
Labour leader Starmer emphasizes dialogue with China but acknowledges the need for vigilance.
Source: NOS