Song by Wim Sonneveld named best on Amsterdam

“Aan de Amsterdamse grachten” by Wim Sonneveld has been selected as the best song about Amsterdam. This decision resulted from a poll organized by the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool.

The winning song was announced at a concert featuring songs about the city, held at the Concertgebouw to celebrate Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary. Readers submitted a total of 125 songs, and a jury selected ten finalists, including “Geef mij maar Amsterdam” by Johnny Jordaan and “‘t Is stil in Amsterdam” by Ramses Shaffy.

Approximately 4,500 votes were cast, with “Aan de Amsterdamse grachten,” written in 1949 by medical student Pieter Goemans, receiving over a quarter of the votes. After the concert, Amsterdam artists, including Danny de Munk and Karsu, performed the song together.

Amsterdam will continue celebrating its 750th anniversary with various events, such as special postage stamps and a car-free festival on the A10 highway in June. Additionally, the 50th anniversary of Sail coincides with the city’s celebration in August, expecting 2.3 million visitors.

The jubilee year will culminate on October 27, 2025, with a promised grand celebration.

Source: NOS
