Sleeping Wolf Found in Dutch Barn Relocated Safely

Today, a wolf was found sleeping for hours in a barn in the village of Hengelo, Gelderland. A veterinarian tranquilized the animal from a distance and moved it to a forest where it could wake up safely, according to a statement from the province to Omroep Gelderland.

The resident of the house discovered the wolf in the morning and contacted the police. The garden was cordoned off with police tape, and officers kept bystanders at a distance.

A provincial spokesperson described the situation as unusual, stating that wolves are typically shy and such occurrences are rare. Initially, it was suspected that the animal might have been hit by a vehicle and sought shelter, but the veterinarian found no injuries upon examination.

The reason why the wolf entered the residential area remains unclear. Local residents were curious and gathered in the afternoon hoping to catch a glimpse of the wolf.

One resident remarked, “I live nearby, so I thought I’d take a look; you don’t experience this every day.” While the residents are not afraid of the wolf, there are concerns. A nearby playground raises worries about children’s safety, as noted by another resident.

Source: NOS
