Peter Gillis faces trial for tax fraud charges

Recreational entrepreneur Peter Gillis is on trial for significant tax fraud, which could lead to a prison sentence, as stated by the prosecutor during today’s court proceedings. Gillis is accused of tax evasion and failing to provide documents to the Dutch Tax Authorities, reportedly dodging at least 500,000 euros in taxes.

The alleged fraud took place at the headquarters and eight holiday parks of the Oostappen Groep Vakantieparken. His daughter and ex-wife are also being prosecuted.

Gillis declined to answer the judge’s questions, instead reading a prepared statement denying criminal activity. Witness testimonies indicated he engaged in tax fraud, such as instructing staff to collect “black rent” in cash and not record it.

Paper records were allegedly destroyed by Gillis after cash counting. Employee hours for foreign workers were unrecorded, with cleaners paid in cash and instructed to feign ignorance during inspections.

Gillis claimed he was being unfairly targeted, mentioning that his park businesses had been closed by local authorities, affecting him emotionally. The prosecutor dismissed these claims, emphasizing the legal process.

The trial continues tomorrow with the expected announcement of sentences for all defendants.

Source: NOS
