Investigation into Animal Abuse Cases in the Netherlands

The Public Prosecution Service in the Netherlands is conducting a criminal investigation into several cases of animal abuse. This includes individuals who allegedly allowed others to sexually abuse their animals.

Authorities were alerted to these cases through Julian F. from Tuitjenhorn, who was previously convicted for child and animal abuse, according to NH broadcaster. The investigation is exploring whether there is a network of pet owners exchanging information, involving farmers, breeders, and pet owners nationwide.

Most investigations linked to Julian F. are handled by the East Netherlands Public Prosecution Service, involving nine suspected cases of making animals available for sexual acts. One investigated individual is a pig farmer in Overijssel, identified as ‘boer57’ in F.’s contact list.

Videos show F. sexually abusing one of the farmer’s pigs, and the farmer discussed mating a sow with F. Another case involves a 53-year-old man from Zegveld, stored as ‘reu49’ in F.’s contacts, accused of lending his dog to F. for sexual acts, which were filmed. He is due to appear in court in February 2024.

Investigations are also ongoing in Amsterdam, The Hague, and North Netherlands, with exact numbers unavailable. A person in Zeeland/West-Brabant is also under investigation.

Some individuals have already been arrested, but the total number of prosecutions remains unclear. Police recently held a “stop conversation” with a person in Limburg, which involves addressing behavior without pursuing legal action.

Source: NOS
