Initiation at Maastricht Hotel School Spirals Out of Control

An initiation event at the Hotel Management School Maastricht escalated over the weekend, according to the newspaper De Limburger. Students fainted, and two individuals required hospitalization due to exhaustion.

The incident occurred during an initiation by the student association Amphitryon, involving around one hundred first-year students. The initiation lasted from Friday evening to Monday morning.

A source told the newspaper that participants had to stand still outside for hours and were reprimanded if they moved. Seven students fainted, and some became hypothermic.

One participant reportedly suffered an epileptic seizure, as stated by De Limburger. Sources mentioned that the students were given insufficient food and drink, and were kept awake at night by loud noises made with pots and pans.

The Hotel Management School Maastricht, part of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, informed De Limburger that an investigation into the initiations has been launched. The student association could not be reached for comment.

In 2018, a similar incident occurred during an initiation organized by Amphitryon, where a student fainted, and participants were verbally abused. In recent weeks, several student associations have held initiation events.

Maastricht University also received reports of misconduct at the end of January and subsequently instructed associations to suspend their introductory activities.

Source: NOS
