Fundraising in Nieuwegein for Sohani’s Funeral Exceeds Goal

A fundraising initiative has been launched in Nieuwegein for the funeral of 11-year-old Sohani, who was fatally stabbed on Saturday. Sohani’s parents, originally from Eritrea, wish to bury her there.

The fundraiser, organized by parents of students at De Tweeklank primary school where Sohani attended, has already exceeded the target of 26,000 euros, collecting over 33,000 euros. Sohani is expected to be transported to Eritrea for her burial on Thursday.

Sander Kaldenhoven, one of the organizers, told RTV Utrecht that the Eritrean community has also provided financial assistance. The raised funds aim to help Sohani’s parents repay these expenses and avoid financial difficulty.

Kaldenhoven noted the overwhelming response was heartwarming. Sohani’s classmates and their parents have received support at school, where victim support services and the mayor were present.

Source: NOS
