Journalist Frank Heinen emerged victorious in the anniversary season of the quiz show “De Slimste Mens.” In the final, he competed against former politician Klaas Dijkhoff and comedian Lisa Loeb. This was the last episode featuring the familiar faces of host Philip Freriks and sidekick Maarten van Rossem, who bid farewell to the show after 25 seasons and 12 years.
The program has been one of the most-watched on Dutch television for years. Loeb was the first to be eliminated, leaving Heinen and Dijkhoff to face off in what Freriks affectionately called the “grande finale.” After his victory, Heinen acknowledged the departure of Freriks and Van Rossem, expressing his enjoyment of their presence.
He received the trophy from the previous winner and upcoming quiz host, Herman van der Zandt. Freriks and Van Rossem also said their goodbyes, with Freriks noting the emotional difficulty of leaving after 25 seasons but cherishing the fond memories they created.
Source: NOS