Firework Bans Impact New Year Damage Claims

Around New Year’s, private individuals reported €16 million in damages, according to preliminary estimates by the Data Analytics Centre of the Association of Insurers. Data shows less damage to homes in municipalities with firework bans compared to previous years, while areas without such bans saw similar claims to past years.

In both scenarios, car damage claims increased, though the rise was smaller in municipalities with bans. Despite firework restrictions in 19 municipalities and designated firework-free zones in about 100 others, SafetyNL reported that these measures did not reduce emergency room injuries in certain regions.

Stichting Salvage, which assists with building damage, was called 112 times during this period, up from 88 the previous year, with firework incidents accounting for 51 calls compared to 32 the previous year. The final damage figure will be released later this year by the Association of Insurers, excluding medical and other public damages.

Source: NOS
