The area surrounding John Raedeckerstraat in Almere has been designated a safety risk zone by the mayor. This decision follows a series of explosions in the street over a short period.
The designation allows police to conduct preventive searches and vehicle checks, and it will be in effect for ten days. Mayor Hein van der Loo had previously implemented measures such as closing a house temporarily, setting up camera surveillance, and issuing area bans.
Another explosive device detonated shortly after midnight yesterday. On a previous occasion, a resident was slightly injured by an explosion on Tuesday, and the following day, another device detonated.
The police informed Omroep Flevoland that the explosions in the Tussen de Vaarten neighborhood are targeting a specific house. Initially, it appeared as if one explosion affected a neighboring house.
The police also reported that a minor was arrested last Monday, and the series of explosions began after this arrest. Ammunition was found with the arrested minor and confiscated.
It is unknown whether there is a connection between the arrest and the explosions. The police did not disclose if the arrested minor was from the house targeted by the explosions.
According to police data requested by Omroep Flevoland, a total of 86 explosive devices went off in Flevoland last year, more than double the previous year’s number, with most incidents occurring in Almere.
Source: NOS