Dutch Parliament Considers Expanded Smoking Bans

A majority in the Dutch Parliament supports expanding smoking and vaping bans to include sports fields, playgrounds, childcare centers, amusement parks, and outdoor swimming pools. Several motions were passed following a citizens’ initiative by organizations under the name Nicotinee.

They propose banning the sale of nicotine products to those born after 2012. A parliamentary motion was approved to investigate this proposal.

Nicotinee also suggests raising the legal age for purchasing nicotine products annually from 2030, aiming for a smoke-free generation. Despite previous debates showing sympathy for Nicotinee’s goals, the proposal was ultimately rejected.

The Parliament seeks additional measures to make cigarettes less addictive and appealing based on RIVM’s report. Strategies may include mandatory dark packaging and banning certain ingredients like sugars and flavors.

The government aims for a smoke-free generation by 2040, as outlined in the National Prevention Agreement. Last week, State Secretary Karremans urged parents to prevent their children from using vapes following reports of fourteen children hospitalized due to vaping.

Although flavored vapes have been banned since 2020, they are still widely available. A complete vaping ban requires European coordination.

Source: NOS
