Dutch Lawyers Criticize Asylum Minister’s Legislation Approach

The Dutch Bar Association (NOvA) has criticized asylum minister Faber for exerting undue pressure in the legislative process for new asylum measures, limiting consultation opportunities. According to general dean Sanne van Oers in de Volkskrant, organizations are asked to treat information confidentially without explanation, preventing them from sharing with their members.

NOvA has filed an objection. Faber allowed only a week to respond to the bi-status system proposal, raising concerns about legislative quality.

Normally, a minimum of four weeks is given for feedback, but this was bypassed as the minister aims to present the proposal to the Council of State before Christmas. NOvA has not seen the “asylum emergency measures law,” which is also confidential.

NOvA is concerned that this approach could hinder its ability to provide proper advice. Earlier assessments found the government’s program in conflict with rule of law principles.

Van Oers worries the legislative process might not align with these principles, heightening concerns. The Council of State and the Council for the Judiciary also had only a week to review the proposals and will provide feedback next week.

Source: NOS
