The court in Den Bosch has sentenced seven men for continuing the activities of the banned motorcycle club Satudarah. The court found that the men maintained the organizational structure and hierarchy of the club.
They organized events related to Satudarah, wore club apparel, and provided club-related items. Communication among the members was conducted via encrypted messages in chat groups.
A 31-year-old man from Enschede was sentenced to eight years in prison, also for drug trafficking, as he was the alleged mastermind behind importing thousands of kilograms of cocaine from Colombia. Two men from Tilburg, aged 48 and 42, received sentences of eight and seven years, respectively, for offenses including trafficking cocaine and MDMA.
Four other men were only convicted for continuing Satudarah’s activities, not for drug trafficking. Additionally, three suspects were convicted of drug trafficking without a proven link to Satudarah.
Satudarah was banned in 2018, with the court citing the club’s criminal activities as a threat to public order. Last month, men were arrested in a café in Tilburg where police alleged that club members had gathered.
Other banned motorcycle clubs include the Hells Angels and No Surrender. The police reported last month that more small motorcycle clubs have emerged since the bans.
There are now more than eighty small outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs), often more radical than the larger clubs, with frequent suspicions of violence.
Source: NOS