Customs seizes 428 kilos of cocaine in Vlissingen port

Customs officials discovered 428 kilograms of cocaine in the port of Vlissingen on Monday. The narcotics were concealed within a shipment of fruit, according to the Public Prosecution Service.

The shipment originated from Peru and was destined for a company in Germany. The cocaine, valued at over 10 million euros, was found during a routine inspection and has since been destroyed.

In recent years, customs has increasingly intercepted drugs in fruit shipments arriving in Vlissingen. In November, 1575 kilograms of cocaine were seized from a fruit shipment from Colombia, and a month earlier, 600 kilograms were found on a pallet of bananas.

In 2023, the Zeeland port city was identified by customs and police as a new ‘hotspot’ for drug importation into the Netherlands, serving as an alternative to the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.

Source: NOS
