A separate crowdfunding initiative has been launched for an eight-year-old boy who lost his parents in an explosion at Tarwekamp in The Hague. Targeted primarily at the Chinese community, this effort is distinct from a larger campaign that has already raised over 600,000 euros for all victims.
Geoffrey Ho, chairman of Asian Heritage The Netherlands, explained that the separate initiative aims to reach members of the Chinese community who might face language barriers. The boy, who has only an aunt remaining in the Netherlands, emerged nearly unscathed from the incident.
The funds raised will help cover expenses, including the parents’ funeral. So far, over 20,000 euros has been collected, largely from donors with Asian backgrounds.
While there has been no contact between the organizers of the two crowdfunding efforts, collaboration is expected. A spokesperson for the larger campaign supports the smaller initiative, noting its importance for the Chinese family.
Source: NOS