Cabinet Faces Criticism Over Veldzicht Mental Health Policy

The Dutch government maintains it is possible to accommodate undocumented individuals with mental health issues at the Veldzicht forensic psychiatric clinic. During a debate, Minister Faber for Asylum stated that current agreements remain unchanged, although the opposition and several entities, including municipalities and the police, have raised concerns.

The government aims to increase capacity for Dutch patients at Veldzicht but insists on retaining spots for undocumented individuals needing intensive care and security. A recent court case was required to admit an asylum seeker in Amsterdam to Veldzicht, highlighting “uncertainties” in the admission criteria, according to Faber.

State Secretary Coenradie announced ten spots for undocumented individuals will remain available, up from seven. The opposition accuses the government of ignoring warnings about insufficient capacity elsewhere, potentially leading to unsafe situations.

A letter from organizations like VluchtelingenWerk Nederland and GGZ Friesland supports these concerns, criticizing the lack of alternatives for treating asylum seekers with mental health issues.

Source: NOS
