Bankruptcies rise in 2024 due to pandemic debts

In November 2024, 341 companies in the Netherlands declared bankruptcy, 19 more than in October, according to CBS data. In the first 11 months of 2024, there were approximately one-third more bankruptcies compared to the same period in 2023.

So far, 3,851 businesses have filed for bankruptcy this year, surpassing last year’s total of 3,272 with one month remaining. The monthly average has hovered around 350 bankruptcies, compared to 270 in 2023.

Industries such as trade and construction have reported consistently high bankruptcy rates, with 66 and 63 bankruptcies respectively in November. The increase is partly due to pandemic-related debts, as businesses delayed tax payments during COVID-19, and the tax office began collections at the end of 2023.

Higher wages, expensive raw materials, and high interest rates have also contributed to the financial strain on businesses.

Source: NOS
