Avans+ settles with Indonesian nurses for €100,000

Fifteen Indonesian nurses and Avans+ reached a settlement on Friday, agreeing on a compensation of €100,000. The nurses participated in a higher professional education program at Avans+ and came to the Netherlands through this work-study program in 2021.

Although they received a stipend of €950 each, a promised relocation allowance of €7,750 was not paid. Avans+ cited fiscal reasons, stating the amount could not be paid in installments.

During a hearing, discussions about the relocation allowance were intense, with parties failing to agree until the judge directed them to write down acceptable amounts. The judge decided on €100,000, to be divided among fourteen nurses, as one was ineligible due to a different contract.

Avans+ committed to paying the amount before Christmas. A nurse expressed relief and satisfaction with the outcome, despite ongoing mental distress.

The nurses had to intern two days a week, work two days, and attend classes two days. Due to visa restrictions, they could not work over 16 hours weekly, leading to unpaid extra hours.

The nurses claimed Avans+ was unclear about the internship contract and relocation allowance. Avans+ regretted the dissatisfaction, acknowledging some agreements were misunderstood, causing discomfort.

Source: NOS
