Arnhem Residents Can Return Unclear Municipal Letters

Residents of Arnhem are now allowed to send back municipal letters they do not understand. The official who wrote the letter must then draft a clearer version.

Residents should highlight unclear parts with a marker and return the letter by post or email, ensuring personal details like amounts and names are redacted. Officials then have ten days to rewrite the letter more clearly.

This trial will be evaluated halfway through this year. Alderperson for public service Van de Geijn supports the “return service,” emphasizing the importance of clear communication with residents for better mutual understanding.

Arnhem cites examples of complex official language that can be simplified. The decision in the letter remains unchanged, and appeal periods are not affected.

Besides Arnhem, residents in Haarlemmermeer and Leeuwarden also have options to request clearer municipal communications. Additionally, there is a Reporting Point for Unclear Matters where unclear government language can be reported.

Source: NOS
