The Dutch Society of Pediatrics (NVK) confirms that fourteen children were hospitalized last year due to vaping, as reported by RTL Nieuws. The NVK considers these cases just the tip of the iceberg.
Since November 1 of last year, doctors have been asked to report cases of children falling ill after vaping. In these fourteen instances, the children were severely ill, with some requiring intensive care due to a punctured lung, lung bleeding, or reduced lung function.
Most affected children are teenagers, with one 14-year-old girl vaping every five minutes during the day and at night. A 16-year-old girl vaped almost constantly, while a 16-year-old boy reported taking a thousand puffs per day.
A toddler was admitted to the emergency room after ingesting vape liquid, which could have been fatal if consumed in larger quantities.
Source: NOS